A2A with Dr. Dave Janda


Dave Janda is the host of the weekly radio program, "Operation Freedom", and he joined us today for a wide-ranging discussion of healthcare, the markets, the economy and the criminal syndicates that seek to control all three.

It would be nearly impossible to summarize this podcast into a neat, little collection of bullet points. Therefore, I'm not even going to give it a try. Please just simply carve out the time to give this a thorough listen.


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Key Economic Events Week of 11/18

11/19 8:30 ET Housing Starts
11/19 12:25 ET Goon Ghoulsbee
11/20 11:00 ET Goon Cook
11/20 12:15 ET Goon Bowman
11/21 8:30 ET Jobless Claims
11/21 8:30 ET Philly Fed
11/21 10:00 ET Home Sales
11/21 10:00 ET LEIII
11/22 9:45 ET S&P flash PMIs
11/22 10:00 ET UMich final
