Let’s compare dog shi- to a central bank’s product?
No, it’s not a movie line or a joke, although Dirty Harry is one of my all time favorite bad asses ever to grace the big screen. So, let’s examine this a bit.
Now, let me tell you about dog shi-. No, I do not refer to it as dog “poo,” or “poop,” or “dooty,” or “droppings,” which is my all time champion euphemism that I hate. It is simply, dog shi-, pure and simple. Decorum prevents me from spelling it out, but to this day, I only refer to it as dog shi-.
See, I am not a dog lover. And, I do not apologize for it at all. When I was a little boy, we had a dog. It was my mom’s really, but I did all the dirty work. That’s right, I had to pick up all the dog shi- all over the yard, dried, wet, stinky, flies and all. It was about as far from fun as an 10 year old boy could find himself. To this day, I still recoil at the smell of dog shi-.
Anyone who has a dog, great for you. But, all you dog lovers have a most unfortunate predilection: you NEVER pick up after your dogs! It stinks, and is gross, and why the hell do I have to be exposed to all of YOUR dog’s bowel movements?! Why cannot you pick up after your dogs? Some owners may be the exception here, but by and large, there are those that insist upon walking their dogs and letting the dogs shit wherever they want. It is horrible, gross, and I hate it.
And, then IT HIT ME! No, not the dog shi-. An idea hit me.
Dog shi- is EXACTLY LIKE A CENTRAL BANK’s waste product!
Characteristics of Dog Shi-:
(1) It is waste product from something that is generally thought of as being positive and which producer is beloved to those that own the producer;
(2) No redeeming social use, but yet it exists as a by-product of something beloved;
(3) It is everywhere, and tends to be found in places people do not want it;
(4) It is constantly being produced;
(5) No one ever accepts responsibility for its presence;
(6) No one wants to clean it up;
(7) Its presence tends to attract more of the same in a hyperbolic nature;
(8) Its presence at once tends to attract annoying vectors;
(9) Its presence tends to create a most unpleasant atmosphere;
(10) There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth to “do something” about it, but nothing is ever done and it persists;
(11) It is not spoken of in polite company;
(12) It is not acknowledged by those that lead to its creation as being a problem;
(13) Those that do not create it tend to dislike it immensely, and instantly, more so when it is fresh than when it is stale or has lost its freshness potency;
(14) There is no such thing as a shortage of it, or of stopping it, but there is a utopian fantasy that it can somehow be controlled and that the societal benefits outweigh the burdens;
(15) I could go on an on, but I believe I have made my point.
Now, ask those same questions about a Central Bank, and its product, fiat currency?
In all seriousness, though, it is paramount that the regular folks begin to look at fiat paper like dog shit from the central banks. The central bank, is beloved by those that own it. It is generally acknowledged by many to have societal values which are accepted as beneficial by many. Those that own the central bank, like a dog owner, love their dogs, and speak of none of the many bad things that their products produce, or the burdens imposed on others from their outputs.
Can we not all begin to have a simple discussion of fiat paper, comparing it to dog shi-? Maybe that is what it will take to get people to understand that only gold and silver are money, being a representation of value rather than a promise, all empty and smelly?
Prepare accordingly.
p.s. Yesterday, I picked up 2 gold buffaloes and a ten ouncer silver bar, using TF’s supplier on line. It was a breeze. Now that I have done that, expect prices to crater. Just saying . . .
Next week I will be digging into the recently filed case against JPM which lays out all the fraud, fines, what not. I saw a link last few days, and it seems interesting. Stay tuned.