Sales and Power: Fear, Reassurance, Criticism, Acceptance, and the "What's That" Moment

In the link I provide just below, Ben Davidson from Suspicious Observers is talking about high altitude weather, space weather and climate change, which are within his area of expertise. I bring the link here because the issues raised by Ben apply to more than just climate. I believe they are behavioural and universal. Therefore his subject also encompasses those who trade markets especially bonds, gold & silver. It also concerns those who come to TFMR website, who analyze the misinformation pervading everything to do with money, or have just recently noticed that something is seriously wrong. It begins with noticing the false connection between reporting and the news we receive, as opposed to things as they actually are, and extends far beyond this misinformation.

Best to watch this before reading on ....

I wish I knew this when I 'Woke Up'

I wish I knew this when I 'Woke Up' by Suspicious0bservers (Youtube)

But consider if those key words in bold above were swopped out of Ben's video clip we were to insert in their place any of the following:

  • gold price,
  • open interest,
  • banks,
  • The Fed,
  • Alex Jones,
  • Zero Hedge,
  • economic policy aims,
  • several fear-promulgation career media personages with revolving messages of forboding suspicion,
  • some PM sales people,
  • Krugman-ites et al who assert all is normal while ignoring obvious signs of decay,
  • doom-is-imminent-ites who assert that all wrong things will strike at the same time, in 5-4-3-2 ......
  • Washington Post/national news outlets who report surface official story only, and fail to investigate,
  • uber-conspiracy loonies crowing every single tick is controlled by an all encompassing evil empire,
  • paid experts who provide tailored "independent research advice" designed to support someones' agenda (like eg Rogoff/IMF, Buitier/Citi, certain faux-scientist studies/big pharma),
  • or even just guys who dress up as lizards or fruit and make predictions about markets
  • Once any of the above are inserted instead, what Ben Davidson says in his well thought out piece about waking up all applies here in finance, though of course he spoke about his area of work.

    Fear sellers are partnered by reassurance sellers in this context though I have not mentioned specific outlets for that product, usually reassurance for a price is government or religious based in origin but that is a generalization and not always the case. Insurance products also come to mind here. Policing and healthcare have similarities in offering "protection" from unpleasantness ... at a price.

    Nobody seems willing to get personal on naming the strings that pull us. I expect that's because it's very personal.

    So here are a few: gravity(!), tidal effect (hormonal cycles), light and heat cycles of the days/nights and the seasons, hunger, thirst, UV intensity, high frequency non ionizing radiation (eg cellphones, wireless routers, other unnoticed sources), low frequency vibration (eg during bright aurora displays, possibly during HAARP or psychotronic weapon deployment), peer pressure from groups of other people affected by these or other stimuli, trigger sayings or events which key in on subconscious childhood (pre age seven) memory from either parents or broadcasts seen during childhood, religious (*) and behavioural concepts internalized as "true" while young dependent and before big/mature enough to use logical and critical thought, images which evoke self preservation, fear, greed, dispair, feelings of inadequacy (paralysis of action) or superiority (recruitment for authoritative career paths)- opposing or conflicting information (to paralyzejudgment) followed by a single unopposed piece of information which becomes internally gratefully accepted as a solution to the puzzle. Fear (again) of repercussions from enforcement of rules imposed upon us by institutions. Also consider images which contain a sexual content or images of children as these inspire primal instinctual urges to do, protect, or get something. Those images are particularly beloved of marketers for use against the female gender with effectiveness as are also successful life ,successful with opposite gender and high activity images for use upon late teens.

    * Religion contains some of the ideas described, and also very many other ideas. Not to be taken as condemnation of religion, just as this is not condemning societal or employment leaders who are benevolent, but possess a great variety of skills, which of course includes these. Religions and governments are complex, and tend to contain good and bad facets mixed up so sorting components of these things is a skill we improve at as we grow but never solve completely.

    Repetitive emotional "feeling" type or imagery laden speech , slow speech patterns of a rhythmic cadence, and calls to imagine, picture, or believe in a vision are all deliberate invitations to go asleep under someone's spell and join their multitude of follower-supporter-paying fools.

    Due to this the television and video are incredibly powerful instruments used either for or against our wellbeing. We all underestimate their strength and power. the output of the best mind manipulators in the world is broadcast continually.

    This is not your standard piece about "the evil puppet masters" of the world. They are included if it applies, and are not if it doesn't. I am talking about SELF! Look inside to see the "puppet" strings I am referring to here. They may be so incredibly basic - for example connected to the fact it's a rainy day and you "just feel bad" on rainy days! OK I accept that's an over simplification, but it might be true for somebody. My point is this is personal first, and external second, and selling fear about "puppet masters" is a part of the personal problem not the solution.

    Pain and betrayal and the need to avoid them speak to the inner super ego a self preservation place deep inside us. freud referred to the father figure of inner judgmental rules inside us but did not labour teh benefits of judgment and observant vigilance for self protection in all living creatures. This is a subconscious protection function which provokes a fully conscious "What's that!" response, and provokes a waking process to newly noticed danger within our life. Never pass by a "What's that!" moment without pausing what you are doing and looking again to discover what made you have the warning signal. Even if it's just walking to your car and a small part of you spotted the light glinting off a nail head embedded in one of the tyres and visible only in the corner of an eye via peripheral vision. These moments are important. Some are going to be vital last minute warnings from our inner super ego.

    When emotion drives you forwards, this is usually a variety of inspiration. Stop a moment and critically evaluate where this inspiration comes from and if it is based in fact or ruse. Are you being led by example in front or herded from elsewhere?

    That's just a beginning. It's a personal journey of discovery. Very very few of us received enough of the abilities to critically think, judge, infer or deduce from partial or conflicting information via the educational system as we passed through it. Engineers, captains of vessels or aircraft, people who deal with elemental nature should learn these abilities early, some people immersed in society never figure them out. A true captain for example refuses to depart until things are perceived to be OK, and assurances from lesser people who have a lower standard than he do not wash and reassure. Leaders of ability double check things when it's important. Other people accept reassurance without critically evaluating it's quality, and testing it's veracity is it comes from an unknown source.

    And it's a wide area to study - to study oneself and one's weaknesses (and strengths) in respect to all these things. It takes a long time. The inability of many to do it and who want to trade markets accounts for the great demand for "trading systems". Those things and similar crutches prevent the process of personal evolution. Trading is a balance plus experienced knowledge thing. If you don't have these then simple trading rule systems will substitute, but they are unlikely to be so complete, so thoroughly based as experience based on study and practice in a non-lossmaking manner, like eg trading for coins in a jar, or some personal forfeit type of payback! Such payback becomes a positive reinforcement over time of course.

    It's worth reading Erik Berne's "Games People Play" or "I'm OK, You're OK" sometime to tease out these concepts a little more. they were written about the time of the recent surge in use of NLP, and might lead towards an understanding of what Neuro Linguistic Programming is, how it works, how well it works, and whether you want to follow up more in that direction. NLP is of course used for personal development, and also used for training, so it's important to understand the techniques so as to recognize them when confronted with them day to day as a minimum requirement. For instance: was the last person you got acquainted with a potential friend, or were they merely working the room and you too?

    Here is a short piece about NLP in selling: (check out the "magic words" and emotions they invoke in listener) : The Top Subliminal Words for Sales

    And this is about NLP techniques in sales and for steering people in a desired direction: ADVANCED NLP TECHNIQUES: SALES booklet by Steve Jones at AUNLP. Your emotions are being adjusted by skilled sellers, often via when they apply NLP rules and phrases taught to them during a training session.

    And when you buy or sell a stock, bond, or ounce of gold : think! From where did you get the idea to do that?

    After a while of looking hard we begin to notice some of the strings, and eventually we trace them back and discover that many people, organizations, random events or even nature itself are all pullers of our strings. We are a part of our environment, gifted with intelligence, and it is better if we use it.

    Above all when feeling emotional or making decisions based upon inner feelings, know that (as in your personal life and romance) your trust must be correctly placed, and in financial markets sincerity from the other party is usually a lie and facade purely for sales reasons. Real professional sincerity is a rare relationship to be sought after, when and if found to be verified with care, and treasured afterwards.

    Take care and may you be successful in your journey wherever it takes you!

    Argentus Maximus

    The author posts daily commentary on the gold and silver markets in the TFMR forum: The Setup For The Big Trade. More information about the author & his work can be found here: RhythmNPrice. The author advises that he trades and holds market positions in accordance with his own opinions.

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