Guest Post: "Are Powell and The Fed Politically Motivated or No?, by AGXIIK and Renozep

Today is another market holiday in the U.S. As such, I'm taking the day off and savoring the 3-day weekend. Here's something new from AGXIIK and Renozep to help you pass the time.

As usual, many thanks to the guys for providing these articles. Past contributions have been timely and thought-provoking and this latest article is no different.

Normal TFMR service resumes on Tuesday and I may add some charts and thoughts to the comments section of this thread. In the meantime, though, just enjoy this new post and then take day off.



Are Powell and The Fed Politically Motivated or No?, by AGXIIK and Renozep

Brandon Smith, Peter Schiff and Tom Luongo are some of the smartest people in the room yet on exactly the opposite sides of this argument.

Will Powell help or hinder the Biden bid for the 2024 president?

These contradictory opinions are some of the stupid crap you and I have been dealing with and doing do for far too long. No wonder it's hard for us to grok the simply and preposterously complex price of gold and silver.

Somebody is wrong in these articles yet I think all are correct to a certain degree but in my opinion it still spells out situations that are more than a little schizophrenic.

My record of 273 guesses on the price of silver over the last 14 years is perfect...perfectly wrong. I hope Michael Oliver is right on his guess that gold hits $8000 and silver $240. But he could be wrong.

Michael Oliver | King World News

I'm no fan of bankers, especially central bankers. But I am beginning to warm to the idea that Powell is not our enemy. He's not a friend of the American people but he appears to take his pot shots and salvos at the globalist scum on the other side of the Atlantic. 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' might apply in some small form and to our benefit.

A debate over who's side Powell is on is raging all over the blogosphere. I think he might be on 'our side' to some small degree if for no other reason than that we might be a beneficiary of his actions despite the pain caused by Fed policies. The really big problem is the US Treasury, Sec Treas Half a Word and the FIAT-addicted DC spendaholics. They are true globalists and mean to have us by debt or by war.

Powell doesn't want to see the destruction of the middle class. He would like to see America survive if no other reason than he's committed to seeing that the UK, ECB, EU globalists and Davos is taken down; no longer a threat to us. That Euro-trash cabal wants to see us debt-soaked, demoralized, dying, dead or enslaved or, D- all of the above. The only way we can avoid this is by climbing out of this hole, rebuilding this country as we take on that job bit by bit and brick by brick.

This is my take on Luongo's podcast Sunday Jan 7 2024.

The Communist takeover of America demands the destruction of the middle class.This is absolutely mandatory. They're done a good job over the last 50 years, ably assisted by the prior half doze Fed presidents, the Secretaries of the Treasury and most banks in general. Luongo's contention is we are not heroin addicts. That comparison doesn't work.

We're Type II diabetics needing massive doses of insulin which gives us the illusion of health when our bodies are wrecked by overwhelming doses of cheap monetary sugar, sick fatty livers hyper toxic subcutaneous fat and debilitated pancreases .

The middle class was basically destroyed by the last 55 years and 3 waves of inflation, asset destruction and re-inflation with zero and negative interest rates. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, or so we are told. The small drop in rates is still causing huge pain to the sugar addicts because it's not enough. These sugar addicts must have their free money and NIRP rates back or they will suffer the agony of withdrawal.

Ask yourselves what food stuff is the cheapest and available on every grocery shelf? Sugar in it's 50 iterations and its dopplegangers, cheap bread, carbs, Happy Meals and Dunkin' Donuts. All the monetary fixes found in the banker's shelves of financial goodies are just the same sticky sweet addictive currency sugar high.

The banks fed us cheap money for decades. We gorged on it, assuaging our former middle class lifestyles; trying to recreate the good old days.

Why is the national debt $34 trillion? Because we are totally and completely addicted to debt.

Why is the total global debt $330 trillion? Because the whole world is addicted to debt.

Debt made us feel rich and empowered, kings in our homes and businesses. Taking on risk and debt by the trillions to keep up with the Jones family was and is The American Way. Problem is, the Jones's went broke in 2009 and all we're doing is chasing them down the same rat hole of debt penury.

To help us survive the ultimate destruction by FIAT SUGAR, we became grossly addicted to both the sugar and insulin that our bodies crave but no longer produce. We thought it was the cure. With rates doubling and tripling, our cheap daily sugar fixes were gone and insulin is out of reach. It's too expensive and the doses must be bigger for us to avoid sugar comas.

I've been in the finance world since 1981, when rates were 20%, to 2021 when rates were as low as 2.5-3.5%. Those days are gone and won't be back for a while. Powell knows he must keep rates high if we are to kick the ultra-cheap money addition. The insulin is costly to help medicate the diabetic condition of the American people, whose life styles went sideways as the communist take over began in earnest. We've became addicted to cheap feel good money. It's going to be so painful I cannot imagine how much it will hurt when we break the addiction and cure our diabetic bodies.

Sugar is the most powerful DRUG we ingest on a daily basis. More monetary sugar and Fed low interest rate insulin will not cure us. It's the cause of the disease. Powell might be on our side in that he wants us to kick the habit, lose that monetary sugar fat weight and get healthy. Luongo was a Type II diabetic who got his life back by kicking sugar, losing weight and working out to get lean then went back to that lifestyle.

I was a fat body for more years than I remember. Then I lost 50 pounds for the 5th time and soon after I transformed myself into a muscular, lean, strong hard body It's incredibly difficult to shed sugar, alcohol and carbohydrate-based fat weight and get back into shape. It's been a relentless focus for me over the last 20 years and most particularly the last 2 years, another transformational period. I took off 10 years from power lifting to fixed the broken parts and now I'm back.

The standing joke is my plan is to look like John Goodman from the neck up and Jason Momoa. The Goodman look wired but the Momoa look will take another year.

Many of us wear the sugar feed bag. I did. We're monetary sugar addicts sticking insulin in our veins or popping pills because our pancreatic-moderated good sense has been destroyed by this horrible addiction.

When I see a woman in a blue pant suit tipping the scales at 3 bills, dancing like a blimp-sized Stay Puft marshmallow and singing about the virtues of a diabetic drug that allows her to keep eating, it's clear she has no intention of dieting and working out, losing 180 lbs and getting healthy. I feel sorry for her and all the other people who cannot fit in a airline seat and have to use scooters to get around.

Goodness gracious...Here she is in all her radiant glory, singing about a drug that has bunch of fatal side effects but allows her to wear the food bag 24/7. This is a mock up of the commercial that really tells that story. She's Big Pharma's best friend, a dancing balloon pimping out some of the nastiest mind messing psychological propaganda I've seen in years. Joe Isuzu looks like a saint.

She represents the average American trying to survive to the next monetary sugar fix. Her drug is Jardiance. Ours is low cost credit.

Powell is not going to accomodate this addiction. He won't relent on his rates nor will he pivot and drop like everyone's predicting in 2024. And he won't pivot to help Biden BTW.

Jardiance Commercial - YouTube

The middle class was badly hurt by 1970-1982 inflation.That only cost $500 billion.

The 2001 Tech Wreck took $6 trillion in middle class wealth.

Greenspan's Zero interest rate which created the 2006-2007 real estate, stock market and commodities boom and crash that cost us $25 trillion. All it did was make bankers rich.

The ensuing immense flush of zero rate cash that Cantillion'd the rich to super rich while seducing the middle class back into the sugar high saw our lifestyles absolutely crushed by the biggest two pronged smash that's ever been unleashed on the fragmented middle class in human history. This is all by plan because the Globalists absolutely hate us for our freedom and wealth. Their plan's been to take that all back with debt.

We were obliterated by the Covid-19 Scamdemic of 2020-2021. Then the awful upward rush of interest rates in 2023 was the second kill shot. 2022 was little more than a brief pause while the evil doers reloaded.

Squeezed by Covid-19, which crushed the people and businesses with totally arbitrary SME closures, that was followed by the fastest interest rate rise in history. It created a pincer effect, destroying what was left of the middle class in 3 short years. If this was a war strategy, pincer movements committed by those with overwhelming force cannot be stopped. The resulting total destruction is something we are right seeing now. It'll precipitate events in 2024 never seen in human history.

Anecdotal to all this is something Renozep, my editor, told me today.

A business called Winco, a discount grocery market, has been beset by some really bad people. Customers are having their full carts ripped from their hands by these thieves right at the entrance to the store. I don't know if the criminals are the usual suspects or people driven to desperation because they can't afford food for their kids.

Don't get me started about my experience with the criminals running Smith's Supermarket. They could give a rip if someone can't afford food.

As for the price of gold, it won't hold price if we have a recession in 2024 according to Steve St Angelo of SRS Rocco. He thinks the chances are strong we will see one. Luongo makes a clear statement that gold still a commodity and is affect by demand. It's not that special to most investors.

Demand drops during recessionary time periods which we might see in 2024. If Powell bumps rates due to a resurgence of inflation, then we'd easily see that recession in 2024. I don't think that gold will be a panacea for stackers and large scale buyer but it would be OK to buy on dips.

Like Dave Kranzler says: "If you have gold you have money, if you don't you have a problem."


2024 Could Be Horrible For the Dollar - LewRockwell


The Juggling Act: Is 2024 a Pivotal Year For the Globalists - LewRockwell

This is what happens when the crap hits the fan and all investment are taken down by derivatives and everything we own goes TU
The Great Taking - Documentary - YouTube

LUONGO: Powell is outed as maybe an ally.

"It's A False, False, False, False, False Flag World": Luongo On Where Do We Go From Here In 2024, Part 1 | ZeroHedge

Turd Ferguson
Norm Macdonald torments Will Ferrell on Celebrity Jeopardy - #classic #SNL #comedy #funny #shorts - YouTube

I'll take Scooby Doo for $500 Alex. That never gets old.

Rob Kientz on speculation how hyperinflation will evolve.

How 5% Interest Rates Killed the US Dollar - YouTube

If you want to get away from the steady stream of crap, Yellowstone is a great interlude
Yellowstone Wildlife



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tfmetalsreport [at] gmail [dot] com ()

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