Silver forum link blocked by firewall...
Thank you for the great job and site you have created for Turd and the Turdites!
One thing I've found is that the link to your Silver forum URL is being blocked by my company's firewall security. So far, I don't think any other links on your site get blocked however.
The error message I get is in the snapshot below:
It shows the URL Category as "Games". I'm guessing none of your other URL categories on the site (that I've found so far) are listed as Games which is why my firewall is not blocking them.
Is this something that can be updated on your server config?
I've noticed I can backdoor the Silver forum if I get in through other links on your site, I just can't directly access it from the URL above.
Other than that I'm happy! Thanks again for all the hard work!
And as always: FUBM!!! : )