#1 Wed, Apr 25, 2012 - 6:13pm
If Ron Paul Were To Win The 2012 Elections, Would This Be Good Or Bad For Metals Holders?
Do you all ever consider what might happen to people with metals positions if somehow Ron Paul takes the 2012 election?
Lets say he wins the election in November. Do you think based on this that we see higher or lower metals prices? I think it could go either way depending on how you look at it. Some of his policies are bearish and some are bullish.
For example, cutting defecit spending would slow the grownth of the money supply, thus eventually changing one of the fundamental reasons for owning metals
Also, we know he's a proponent of a gold standard. This would obviously be bullish for metals especially gold if this were to come true.
Edited by: lilbromarky1 on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:02am