Jeff Nielson: The Economic Rape of Europe Nearly Complete

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#1 Tue, Aug 16, 2011 - 6:41am
Joined: Jun 14, 2011

Jeff Nielson: The Economic Rape of Europe Nearly Complete

Jeff Nielson: Economic Rape of Europe Nearly Complete, Part I I have written frequently (but not recently) about the wave of “economic terrorism” which Wall Street launched against Europe – with the full support/blessing of the U.S. government. With that campaign of terrorism having nearly reached fruition, I will review these events one more time. Economic Rape of Europe Nearly Complete, Part II In Part I, I explained and (for many) introduced readers to two of the major scam-vehicles which the Wall Street Oligarchs (and a few European brethren) unleashed upon the world – and in particular the nations of Europe. Interest rate swaps and credit default swaps (both forms of “derivatives”) have been used to inflict trillions of dollars in losses on their victims, with no end to this massive tally in sight. As I watched Wall Street terrorists decimate the debt-markets (and thus the economies) of European nations one-by-one, I had assumed that such an unprecedented economic “attack” against these nations had been a goal unto itself. I was mistaken. Instead, what has recently become apparent is that such terrorist attacks on Europe were merely the means to an even greater end: to completely plunder all the wealth of these nations. In furtherance of this objective, the banking crime syndicate (and the ultra-wealthy bond parasites whom they represent) have formulated a three-pronged scheme to drain every last drop of wealth from these economies (and nations): 1) Using these fraudulent bond debts to attach a legal claim on the large, national gold-hoards which these nations claim to still possess 2) Attaching “loss guarantees” to the bad-debts of the Euro debt-sinners 3) Ramming through a full economic integration of all these Euro-zone nations I will address these economic “crimes against humanity” in order.
Edited by: RuNuts on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:04am