The Jackass Red Glare


Bombs bursting in air. Gave proof through the night, that our Jackass was still there...

On Wednesday, our pal Jim Willie stopped by Turdville as our guest for this week's Access2Access presentation. Vault subscribers asked an abundance of terrific questions and Jim generously donated over 80 minutes of his time answering them.

In some ways, I want to apologize for letting this run 80 minutes. I know you're busy, too, and likely don't have the time to listen to the entire presentation. That's OK. Maybe break it up into several sittings? If you do, you'll hear Jim discuss:

  • If he sees anything significant coming in July
  • The real reasons and sponsors of the fighting in Iraq
  • His preferred ratio of gold and silver holdings
  • Under-the-radar developments with the big, European banks
  • He even gives us his darkhorse World Cup winner and much, much more

If you find yourself needing/wanting more than 80 minutes, be sure to subscribe to Jim's services. The links are below.



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Key Economic Events Week of 11/18

11/19 8:30 ET Housing Starts
11/19 12:25 ET Goon Ghoulsbee
11/20 11:00 ET Goon Cook
11/20 12:15 ET Goon Bowman
11/21 8:30 ET Jobless Claims
11/21 8:30 ET Philly Fed
11/21 10:00 ET Home Sales
11/21 10:00 ET LEIII
11/22 9:45 ET S&P flash PMIs
11/22 10:00 ET UMich final
