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The Pricing System Is Broken - A Thursday Conversation with Andrew Maguire


As we watch today some of the worst and most blatant gold price manipulation in recent memory, what a great time to get some perspective from our old friend, Andrew Maguire.

So what the heck is happening today? Why is price being smashed on COMEX and what is being accomplished? Andy explains the significance of the month-end PM Fix for the Banks and the BIS.

But also, what the heck happened back on March 24? Why did the OTC/spot market break? What are the long-term consequences and, more importantly, what happens next? For that, be sure to listen to the final ten minutes of this discussion.

Many thanks to Andy for so freely giving of his time today. Please be sure to give this podcast a thorough listen. Knowing that the Digital Derivative and Fractional Reserve Pricing Scheme is on its last legs may give you some comfort after having to endure again today the same old overt price manipulation tactics.


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