Rob Kirby's Contributions

Thursday Conversation - Rob Kirby

Thursday, October 7, 2021 - 3:00pm

Our old pal Rob Kirby stops by today to share his thoughts on the craziness apparent everywhere in the capital markets of 2021.

If you're not familiar with Rob, you should be. He's a former bond trader turned analyst and forensic economist. His website,...

Thursday Conversation - Rob Kirby

Friday, January 31, 2020 - 3:00pm

Our old pal Rob Kirby is back on his feet and ready to take on 2020. The year is off to a wild start and it's only going to get more crazy as things progress so please be sure to give this podcast a thorough listen this weekend.

To deal with the ongoing madness, you need as many...

Thursday Conversation - Rob Kirby

A discussion of negative rates, the banking sector and the precious metals.

Thursday, August 22, 2019 - 2:00pm

The great Rob Kirby of Kirby Analytics is here for an insightful discussion that you don't want to miss.

Over the course of this call, Rob addresses several key points, including:

  • the madness of negative rates and why they're here to stay
  • the impact of
  • ...

A2A with Rob Kirby

Thursday, August 3, 2017 - 4:31pm

What great timing to have Rob Kirby back for an A2A webinar. Rob's vast experience provides a unique perspective on the failure of The Generally Accepted Narrative for 2017 as well as some wisdom on where we are headed from here.

A Chat with Rob Kirby

Thursday, December 8, 2016 - 4:30pm

Earlier today, we had an A2A webinar scheduled with Rob Kirby. Unfortunately, technical issues forced a postponement. Once the issues were resolved, Rob graciously found some extra time and recorded for everyone this very informative podcast. Please have a listen.

A2A with Rob Kirby

Thursday, January 28, 2016 - 4:05pm

2016 has begun with a bang and much of the volatility is due to global derivative exposure. With that in mind, what better time than now for another A2A webinar with bond trading and derivative expert, Rob Kirby.

<This tremendous recording is now a public post. Please listen.>

A2A with Rob Kirby of Kirby Analytics

Thursday, August 21, 2014 - 12:25pm

Wow, this was just tremendous. Rob Kirby made his inaugural visit to Turdville today and the information he shared with us was simply tremendous.