
After a terrific end of the week on Friday, both Comex PMs are extending those gains today as the new week begins. So what sort of week lays ahead and where will things go from here? Let's get the party started and attempt to find out.

So, anyway, I hope you had a nice weekend. We made it through without any terrible/tragic political or geopolitical developments...so that's nice. As the week begins, you can see that it's a pretty barren calendar for scheduled news. As for unscheduled news? That remains to be seen. And don't forget about that BRICS summit that begins tomorrow and...

About the Author

tfmetalsreport [at] gmail [dot] com ()

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Key Economic Events Week of 10/21

10/21 8:55 ET Goon Logan
10/21 10:00 ET LEIII
10/22 10:00 ET Goon Harker
10/23 9:00 ET Goon Bowman
10/23 10:00 ET Existing home sales
10/23 2:00 ET Beige Book
10/24 8:30 ET Jobless claims
10/24 9:45 ET S&P Oct Flash PMIs
10/25 8:30 ET Durable Goods
10/25 10:00 ET UMich final

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