Timeline/progression for TSHTF?
While I know that no one can predict the future, I'd still like to know what members here think the timeline/progression will be for the impending global financial disaster?
Turd himself said today: "In order to survive, The Fed MUST now continue QE at an even greater pace. The PMs and all commodities will see their multi-year rallies accelerate. Economic conditions will continue to worsen. Tax revenues will remain stagnant or decline. The annual U.S. budget deficit will widen. The dollar index will break down through the March 2008 lows of around 71. The ratings agencies will be forced to downgrade U.S. debt once again. To keep rates on current and past debt low, The Fed will have to engage in even more QE. The entire U.S. ponzi scheme will continue circling the drain faster and faster until the bottom finally falls out.
And this is all going to happen a lot sooner than what you might think. Some say 2030. Some say 2025. I think we'll be lucky to make it through 2013. Oh, and don't ever forget, the favorite tools of distraction for the Fed/Govt/TPTB Complex are wars and insurrections. Plenty of that on the way, too. As we like to say around here, prepare accordingly."
Personally I've been educating myself and preparing since 2007. My attitude is that the sooner we hit bottom, the sooner we reach a point where the only direction is up. In fact, I'm rather disappointed that the collapse has not happened already! I'm in my mid-forties and to read that Turd thinks it will be a decade or more away is somewhat dismaying. Chris Martenson is fond of saying that "the next twenty years will not be like the last" . Fernando (FerFAL) Aguirre is still living squarely in the ongoing nightmare of a currency collapse that happened ten years ago.
My wife and I have always lived below our means. We live modestly and have just about anything a reasonable person could want or need. I picture a future of "less" in most ways but do not believe that our "quality of life" will suffer much. Happiness comes from within but 20+ years of this crap will certainly test that belief. I want Americans to get through this without turning on each other or descending into a civil war. (a small but possible outcome since we are so divided) Americans are not immune to the stupidity most of us participated in to get us where we are today but we have always excelled at thinking outside the box. I hope we are still up to the task.
So how do you all see this mess progressing?