The collapse of the economy in a nut shell
Most of us on here are aware of what is going on and understand it. I'm wanting to create a resource of links to articles/ writings that will essentially give someone a crash course on our economic outlook. This would be primarily to educate someone who has little interest and knowledge in finance, doesn't have months to spend following blogs and researching, but is willing to sit down for an hour or so to read what seems to them as something of little importance.
I'd like to include:
1. A credible short explanation on why the FED and fractional reserve banking are destined to fail.
2. How our debt is unsustainable.
3. How and why our economy will collapse.
So far I have found a link that satisies #2.
I'm going to spend some time on zero hedge looking for short articles that adress #1 and #3.
If any of you would like to help that would be great.