#1 Mon, Nov 21, 2011 - 12:54pm
Some Questions - Any Answers?
By request, I started this forum. Let's see if we can reason to some compelling conclusions . . . 1. Do the reported gold reserves held by Central Banks REALLY exist? 2. Do the reported silver bars held by CME REALLY exist? 3. Why would the Bernank reply to Ron Paul that gold is not money, but is rather, “tradition?” 4. How can the Greek sovereign debt be repaid? 5. What would really happen if the Greeks did not make a bond payment? 6. Are the drug cartels’ profits from illegal drug sales held as fiat in the banks, or as something else? 7. Among the powers that be, who is really calling the shots? 8. Are the powers that be running the show by a management-by-committee-approach? 9. Can a small-fry citizen of the USA do anything productive to avoid the impending calamity, or is the citizen just along for whatever happens? 10. If there really is a shit hits the fan moment, and the system crashes and collapses like Bix Weir, et al., proclaim, are the average Americans capable of surviving without enduring unspeakable atrocities and suffering? 11. Will the ensuing authority, in whatever form, group or organizational manifestation it becomes after the great societal collapse really physically seize physical gold and silver? 12. How will all of us Turdites communicate once the great collapse takes place? 13. Should we try to set up a meeting to actually get to know one another in person? 14. Should we at least try to set up some sort of regional structure? If so, how, and in what form? 15. Would others volunteer to be part of an informational dispensary, in the event of a great collapse, so that there can be a trusted source of information which can be disseminated to the masses? 16. Is the USA the best place to endure the great collapse, or should one be considering an off shore solution? If so, then where? 17. Can the US Dollar maintain world hegemony? If so, how much longer? 18. Which, if any, existing currency will take over the role as the world’s reserve currency? 19. Does there have to be a world’s reserve currency? 20. Can the world’s reserve currency exist as a digital accounting entry, in other words, the world’s reserve currency will exist solely as an intangible medium, and not a physical medium of exchange? 21. What role, if any, will the FED play going forward, no matter what scenario?
Edited by: California Lawyer on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:27am