Tampa Surprises?
The Republican race was more interesting that usual, but nevertheless ended predictably. My new question is, will any of this volatility carry over to Tampa and make the convention more interesting than usual? Here is my early take on a few rumors floating out there.
1. Ron Paul shows up with more delegates than people expect, and wields some power. I don't see it. You can't tell me that a candidate polling 8% and getting 8% of the primary vote somehow accumulated a bunch of "stealth" delegates in the caucuses. I don't see Paul having any influence on the convention beyond a decent time slot and some vague language in the platform about sound money. Ron Paul, despite his wisdom and sound policies, is not a fantastic politician. He will never have broad appeal, though his ideas someday may carry the day. I hope so. He represents decency, sanity, and truth in a political world that is so f-d up that the conventional wisdom is that he is the crazy one.
More later.