1/10 Gold Am. Eagles - 1.26 or 1.19mm thick?

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#1 Tue, Aug 28, 2012 - 12:02am
raleigh, NC
Joined: Jun 14, 2012

1/10 Gold Am. Eagles - 1.26 or 1.19mm thick?

According to the US Mint's PDF brochure the thickness of 1/10th oz. Gold American Eagles should be 1.26mm. (https://www.usmint.gov/downloads/mint_programs/am_eagles/AmerEagleGold.pdf ). NorthWest Territorial Mint also lists it at 1.26mm thick (https://bullion.nwtmint.com/gold_americaneagle.php)


Gainesville Coins and many other web vendors and websites show the thickness as 1.19mm. (https://www.gainesvillecoins.com/products/159179/2012-1-10-oz-gold-ameri... and https://www.bing.com/search?q=1.19mm+gold+eagle)

So who's right? 1.26-1.19 = 0.07mm. Seven hundredths of a mm ( 2 thousandths of an inch) difference seems like enough clearance for a coin to rattle freely in a caliper. Clearly, somebody's wrong here.

Edited by: JackT on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:12am

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