Charlie Johnston is a 58 year old Roman Catholic layman currently living in the diocese of Denver, Colorado. Born and raised a Christian Fundamentalist, in 1991 he experienced a powerful conversion into the Catholic church. He claims to have been receiving heavenly visits from Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Archangel Gabriel, and other heavenly visitors since early childhood, that is for over 50 years, and has been guided in his prophetic mission for 20 years by three Catholic priests who are his spiritual directors. Charlie suffered a severe neurological event at 9:03AM on Good Friday, 2003, which still affects him physically to this day. Although suffering from this painful nerve damage, from Feb. 11, 2011 to Aug. 21, 2012 he walked 3,200 miles across the country, sleeping in the woods, meeting people and praying as he went. Charlie states that is was God who willed that he make the journey, so he simply obeyed.
Charlie foresees a "Great Storm" that is now coming upon the world which will effect all of humanity. Concerning this, he has stated: "I tell people that we have entered the beginning of the greatest crisis in the history of Western Civilization and their imagination fails them." He explains that it will consist of a series of grave catastrophic events, one in succession upon another, each with progressively greater intensity and effect. He has described the forthcoming Storm as like being similar to a combination of the Great Depression and the Civil War all wrapped up into one, but each much worse than the original ones, because they will not be confined just to the USA, but will take place on a global scale. He emphasizes also that there will be some "false dawns" in between the calamities. One part of this predicted "Storm" will be that humanity will be at war with itself, like one great civil war upon the whole of the earth.
The info copied above and more background on Charlie can be found here:
Charlie's own website is called "The Next Right Step" and it can be found here: