Greg's bio from his site:
For those of you who do not know who I am or what I do, my name is Gregory Mannarino. I started my financial career working for the securities and trading arm of the now defunct Bear Stearns before the dot-com bubble. I have published several books pertaining to finance, global economics, and equity trading; My most recent book is titled: “The Politics Of Money.” I even published a book about casino blackjack strategies a long time ago.
I hold a medical degree and practice medicine. I have been (and continue to be) interviewed by some of the best in the business (Greg Hunter USAWatchdog) (Alex Jones InfoWars) (The Pete Santilli Show) (FutureMoney Trends) others. And I have been published on virtually every financial site on the web. Currently I host a business day “MarketReport” on YouTube and have many thousands of loyal subscribers worldwide.
I am a known, trusted, and recognized authority with regard to finance, investing, and trading. You can feel confident that should you choose to use this FREE service from, you will be getting top notch professionally picked stocks and ETF’s holding a high profit potential.