Stephen Macaskill is probably one of the few CEO's that advocates for a complete system of capitalism. Capitalism. Not the crony capitalism or corporatism that exists today.
After graduating from the University of Rochester (Financial Economics), Stephen went into the Kauffman Entrepreneurial Year program where he developed essential business skills that helped expand his business ventures.
When not at work Stephen enjoys snowboarding, philosophical discussion with a good beer, cooking exotic food, spending time with his sister, and talking about the gold standard.
About Amagi Metals:
We believe that everyone should place a portion of their assets into gold and silver to preserve wealth - as an insurance policy or hedge against financial and political calamity.
Gold has been used as a currency for over 2,000 years. During this time the value of gold has remained relatively stable. You might stop us here and say "Hold on a minute! How can you say that when the price of gold has gone from $280 in 2001 to $1,900 in 2011?" This is where we point out that there is a difference between price and value. The increase in the price of precious metals is not due to an increase in their value, but rather a decrease in the value of major world currencies such as the US Dollar, British Pound, and Euro.
Central banks around the world have been keeping their printing presses on 24/7 to print paper money. What they are doing causes inflation, economic instability, and a lower standard of living for you. The best protection against this is simple: buying precious metals.